5 tips for seasonal allergy relief!

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Seasonal allergies affect millions of people around the world.

While seasonal allergies are common, some folks experience symptoms all year round.

Symptoms affecting the nose, like allergic rhinitis

These symptoms occur when you breathe in something you are sensitive to such as dust, animal dander, or pollen.

 Certain foods can trigger different reactions ranging from experiencing: eczema; asthma – digestive issues- fatigue & depression.. and more. 

 There are scents that can trigger reactions as well; from natural or artificial sources .  These reactions can drive one nuts due to continuous sneezing, those itchy eyes and constant congestion.

Are you affected by Seasonal changes? 

What is your solution in coping?

Many of us look for the quick fix to deal with the reactions.

nom nom vitamins nom nom

However, certain prescribed or over the counter medicines can have negative side effects that affect our well-being. Those side effect warnings are fully disclosed on the labels; yet, we ignore them due to the fact that..

We simply want the reactions to STOP!!

Have you ever considered exploring a different choice? There are many different options in dealing with allergic responses. 

 I prefer  natural therapies- remedies to confront allergies.

Some of these options strengthen our immune system which affects how we respond to the source of the allergy itself. 

And possibly- in some cases eliminate them for good!!   

Do you know exactly what you may be sensitive to?

or, is it a FULL blown life threatening allergy? 

1. Live with Allergies by avoiding them

One of the simplest ways to deal with allergic chain response is to understand which allergens are affecting us, then avoid them as much as we can.

There are some we can easily avoid and others a lot more challenging. 

Pollens in the air get high during the breezy days and around noon. 

It’s  easy to plan your day to avoid those times. Generally speaking, pollen is high during windy days and low after rain.

There’s an app you can check for details. In Seattle, courtesy of Puget sound clean air is:  Airnow.gov  

For more information on current and future allergies download a 
FREE app,  “Allergy alert”  from pollen.com  

The actions we take to protect ourselves depends on the type of allergy; Are they seasonal – food- indoor – medicines or what exactly.

We need to first identify which allergen irritates us. Such as: pollen, pet dander, or mold spores; then minimize the exposure to it as much as we can.

 Ask your Integrative health provider you trust with testing. 

For self care you can try a few simple easy tips for health improvement

Vitamin D3 deficiency is connected to allergies, such as allergic rhinitis, asthma, and more… 

Several studies suggest vitamin D3 supplementation can decrease inflammation and allergies.  (click for more details)

Specifically, vitamin D-deficient participants who took vitamin D3 supplements together with antihistamines experienced an improvement in allergy symptoms after eight weeks. (The 4 best natural Antihistamines)

Another study found that reaction to allergy immunotherapy in relieving allergic rhinitis was better in areas with optimal vitamin D levels and worse than those who were deficient in vitamin D.

If you want to prevent allergies naturally, then Vitamin D3 can help us out! 

It can help nourish our immune system to work better in protecting us from overreactions to those irritants. 

For choosing which vitamin D is best for you check with your Dr by getting a simple test done to determine if you are deficient first. 

Dr Harding here in Seattle provides this simple and inexpensive test

3. Exercise Regularly

Maintaining regular exercise and physical activity can help by strengthening our immune system which helps alleviate allergic reactions.

In moderation, exercise isn’t bad for those who have allergies and, of course, provides many health benefits.

(Click here for more studies.) 

For maintaining a healthy exercise lifestyle, always make sure your current health is stable prior to starting out with intensive activity. Gradual consistent exercise is ideal. 

Some fun exercise activities include: walking, jogging,  biking, running, treadmill exercise, swimming, yoga and much more.

No excuses anymore- there are online classes- home gyms.. You can call a friend and work out together!  

4. Salt Therapy

Have you heard about Salt Therapy? it’s unique therapy, a halogenerator (a sterile salt aerosol), composed of microscopic salt particles are released in the air for breathing. 

(click on highlight for idea) 

These breathable salt particles penetrate deep into the lungs, up to the alveoli, clearing the mucus, killing bacteria, reducing inflammation and humidifying the whole respiratory tract. The salt aerosol has a very good effect in cleaning the indoor air as well; this is due to the bactericide property of salt and the high concentration of negative ions that stick to the positively charged particles of dust, bacteria and viruses. 

Salt treatment is a good alternative for anyone who doesn’t want to rely heavily on prescribed or over-the-counter drugs for asthma, allergies, and other respiratory disorders. 

It is a very safe therapy for all people and ages even Pets!!

  (discuss with your Vet first) 

An allergy management plan is essential to responding to allergic reactions. 

We don’t need to suffer with them. 

For the best chance of relief. 1. You should avoid exposure to the allergen. 2. Practice proper self-care methods and consider 3. Explore safe methods in relieving them. 

Living with allergies can be problematic, especially when symptoms continue. Seek knowledge and advice from a Holistic  health provider when dealing with chronic allergies.

Since the United States, Food and Drug Administration (FDA) doesn’t regulate nutritional supplements, and natural remedies could interfere with certain medications, it is crucial to talk to a health care provider before starting any new supplement or natural treatment.

There are plenty of options to explore- should you like to discuss anything specific- Please reach out to me privately, I will gladly share more details. 

Thank-you for visiting!

Hope you enjoy this New Season with excellent health; You & your loved ones deserve it…

Joyce Wood, chhc


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