Becoming Strong – But How?

March 25, 2020 -Read time 7min
Written & submitted by: Joyce C Wood, chhc

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The topic on everyone’s mind these days is how to avoid catching the dreaded Coronavirus aka, COVID-19 virus. We have been bombarded through the Media on all platforms with the latest facts, findings, and numbers of people being afflicted by this. This is no doubt one of the scariest times we are living in. There may be times when you feel overwhelmed and helpless. I hope to bring inspiration and tools for coping and winning through this brief period in life.

Today I’m going to focus on 5 specific areas we have control over to stay strong during this time. I have a special guest who has personally lived through difficult times; David Itkow. He has kept strong in life with a strong seeking mind; strong spirit and excellent habits. (See below for his story)

1. Strong Spirit

A favorite quote of mine regarding challenge:

“Life is a process of ongoing challenge. Those who lead lives of boundless challenge realize boundless growth. In a time of tumultuous change, what people need most is vitality to challenge their circumstances and the wisdom to open the treasure house of knowledge, to ceaselessly strive to create new Value”. By Dr. Daisaku Ikeda

2. Strong Mindset

“What we listen to or are exposed to affects us subliminally. By Psychology Today

Goal:  “Become the master of one’s mind, Don’t allow your mind to master you.” By Nichiren Daishonin.

  • The first 20min in the morning set aside something positive to read or listen too.
  • One of my favorite audio podcasts is Les Brown. You can download on Google Play for FREE.
  • Develop a habit of Spiritual time every morning that focuses on your goals in life.
3. Physical Health

“The greatest asset we have is our Health.” By Warren Buffet.

“Sickness is not merely a physical phenomenon; it invariably signals the presence of spiritual malady, too. In seeking to cure someone’s illness, we should spare no effort, leave no stones unturned. When you cling to one set idea, you can’t respond to changes. Most people think that illnesses should be left entirely up to doctors. There is a certain degree of truth in that assumption, but I also believe that WE can respond to illness by realizing that we ourselves are not only the patient but, to some extent, our own doctors as well.”  By Dr. Daisaku Ikeda

4. Live for a Purpose

“Growth as a human being cannot be measured solely in terms of the number of years one lives. Rather, it depends on what profound meaning you find in life and whether you achieve anything worthwhile. If you do so, you will have lived a life which will continue to shine brilliantly forever. Where there is no spirit to challenge difficulties, There is no value created. “ By Dr. Daisaku Ikeda


  • Look around you there is always something we can do if we choose to contribute,
  • Check out the earth charter- Good News Network or NON gmo project
5. Gratitude

First, Emmons writes, “Gratitude is an affirmation of goodness. We affirm that there are good things in the world, gifts, and benefits we’ve received. Practicing a daily habit of gratitude has enormous advantages and no negative effects. Numerous studies have demonstrated the powerful impact of practicing gratitude on both the body and mind. Gratitude heals too! “By Emmons. * For more from Emmons lab or science check out

  • Start a gratitude journal; focus on all the good in your life so far.”
  • Practice saying thank you every time you experience something new. No matter what, we can learn something positive from every experience.

Staying Strong is a daily decision and practice. 

Introducing- David Itkow

When Joyce asked me to share my story I immediately lit up; it’s not often that someone asks me to share mine. I felt honored and happy to. When Joyce asked me to share” my perspective on what constitutes healthy living” and “why I choose the way I live”

I got to reminiscing on how it all began…

 My Story:

Most people get into the health field due to a personal experience or by seeing someone they know deal with health challenges.

Mine was completely different.

I knew I was different growing up. My mom used to say to me, “ Why Can’t I have a normal Jewish boy? She saw me as the health nut and flake in the family Yet, she expressed her feelings with love. She knew that I enjoyed seeking ancient wisdom and loved sharing it to inspire others. My challenge was due to my choices in having different values; I didn’t fit in with most people. I spent much of my time alone but, I never felt lonely due to I believed that no one is truly ever lonely while pursuing more value in life, even in solitude.  

I’ve always questioned things; from the food we eat; the school system; the health care system; which I believe is the sick care system we have today. I was grieving as a child; feeling the current system will only get worse and BOY- The reality we live in now.. shows this more than ever.

It appeared to my family, I was a lost soul without a clear vision for my life at that  time. Gratefully, my mom and dad did not push me to do something I didn’t want to do.

My mom just wanted me to marry a Jewish girl, which never happened and my dad had his upholstery business he would have preferred I take over; which I also didn’t accept; no matter how much money I would have made, it simply wasn’t for me.  

For me, it was about doing something that I loved- Helping people; Having meaning and Feeling a purpose for my life.

After attending a University and receiving my Bachelor of Commerce in the 70s.

During that time choosing  a university degree was the main ticket to finding a good job. This was not the case for me, it  backfired. After numerous job interviews I realized that working in the corporate world was not ideal. I knew early on that working for the majority of most companies then would be dehumanizing due to lacking in the core values I found important. These lack of values placed profit over sustaining life. That kind of focus is destructive and I didn’t want to play that game.

I told my mom , I cannot play that game and whatever I would do it would involve helping people to live healthier and happier lives.  I subsequently was unemployed for several months until one day,I walked into a health food store and said out loud, This  I can do- This is Me!  So, I set the intention to work in that health food store which I did  shortly after. I was known as the Happy Healthy Man..I had so much healthy food around me; people would come far and wide just to be in my energy. I felt  passion talking about wellness while encouraging others to do the same. I was there for 2 years and loved the experience.

I kept growing and seeking how I could expand on this feeling of purpose in the health food industry; I needed to earn a better living as well.

I  pursued additional courses in health & herbology. I decided to start my own consulting business aka- Self Care We Care along with my beloved at the time.

My beloved had multiple health issues leading to several unsuccessful operations that attempted to correct some of her physical challenges which she experienced: paralysis; she was unable to see out of her right eye and was injured in 2 car accidents. She did experience healing through natural means using: healthy eating, herbal medicine, acupuncture and several other modalities.

It was a few short years after beginning our consulting business I discovered network marketing. In our business we were using top of the line products sold by health professionals and earning fairly well through direct marketing and reselling directly to customers. Although, when we discovered network marketing products, which at the time were different from traditional direct marketing, I was a bit skeptical until I researched it. Many people I asked had no idea of network marketing  except they feared it as a pyramid scheme. Today 30yrs later, it’s respected. And even taught in some universities.

Network marketing business model allowed me to leverage my time, saving money on shipping and other direct marketing expenses, which can be very expensive. In addition, I was able to focus on helping people outside the 4 walls of our existing very expensive facility we paid rent on. By saving money on business expenses this allowed more freedom to explore fun things like going on a holiday. We discovered we were no longer trading time for money and the opportunity to grow professionally and helping more people became our new reality.

Once I understood the industry, which is the last Bastion of Free Enterprise, we were making more money in a month than we had earned in a year. There is nothing better than having time freedom. This style of business has afforded us to build our own home Vancouver, BC.

 It was during this time I realized; There is a better way of earning. Example : 1% of 100 people’s effort is better than 100 % of my own time, which is what I had previously been doing. I don’t have the business expenses like before and I can work anywhere I choose!

I looked for a conscious company with similar values when choosing a network marketing company. Especially, when it came to products. Moving forward after working with  several companies throughout the years, I found the holy grail with a network marketing company that is one of the first to open an organic facility over 32 years ago. They offer high quality, delicious  superfoods, nutrient dense, raw, live vegan green food! Purium Organics.

I knew I met the right company So, I explored more. I wanted to be part of this company’s mission which is- To End Human Suffering ; Especially with what is happening today with the Coronavirus;  it’s imperative to- prepare-be informed ; Choose to be positive!

Being Fearful will weaken our immune system, affecting our decisions to choosing  better| make smarter decisions that will protect us and our loved ones.

Recently, I built up my emergency, survival food kit  by purchasing through the online purium store. Thanks to Purium, I have my own superfood superstore. I don’t have the overhead like I had running my own storefront. I have Minimal expenses.

 Purium is your farm-to-family superfood supermarket that is yours to visit in the comfort of your home office or on the go through a phone app.  It’s your safe place to shop. With Purium you can enjoy the Most potent, Whole, Raw, Live, Green, Super-concentrated, Highly alkalizing GMO-free, Organic Vegan Superfoods. It’s the type of nutrient-dense food your body craves. And it’s the type of food you won’t find at your local grocery store, vitamin shop or restaurant.

Purium products protect us from within;  It’s a great way to get our vital nutrients to Live &  age more gracefully, by becoming stronger; protecting us from illness while living life in the best of health!  

Our greatest asset!

For more information ask Joyce 


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