The Element of Metal & 5 Keys to Balance!
A continuation from the previous post,
Staying Healthy with the Seasons...
I’m so happy to be sharing more information on these life sustaining Elements.
To refresh, the 5 elements are: Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water.
According to a Chinese theory, that originated over 2,000 years ago. Scholars theorized that the universe is composed of the five forces or 5 elements and that we are a blend of these elements: Water, wood, fire, earth, and metal.
Understanding these elements helps us stay in balance: physically-mentally, spiritually, and emotionally.
Each element is associated with seasons; body systems; colors; flavors; senses, emotion, and even the weather.
To achieve ideal health, we need to create a harmonious balance of all 5.
With the season autumn- The element is Metal, aka ,Wisdom
The system within our body which can be affected by this element are –
the Lungs, nose & skin.
I believe in self-care: Focusing on the basic fundamentals can Keep us out of the Doctors office.
Today, I’m introducing ideas and resources to assist in these 5 keys in self-care related to these 5 elements.
I’m not involved in multi-level marketing; the companies I promote are independent of those types of companies; I do receive commissions from specific independent companies, which I fully disclose prior to sharing the links.
FYI- on this post there are links to the books I suggest in reading today.
Here are 5 Keys to Self-Care in Health.
1st Key - Education
Autumn is the best time to learn something new.
Understanding the 5-element concept could help with answering age-old questions of, why we do what we do. Along with providing some tips to creating healthier habits that bring happiness and good health.
A couple of good books on this topic are:
The Five Elements: Understand Yourself and Enhance Your Relationships with the Wisdom of the World’s Oldest Personality Type System by Dondi Dahlin – found on amazon in Audio, Kindle or Paperback formats with FREE shipping if you are a Prime member.
I love Audible, it’s one of my favorite listening platforms. You can exchange all books within a year at no extra charge and they have a huge selection of books to choose from.
Healing Ourselves: A Book to Serve As a Companion in Time of Illness and Health : Based on the Lectures and Teaching of Naboru Muramoto, by Naboru Muramoto
He’s been studying Oriental medicine for decades. This book is based on his lectures he gave on the West coast. His experience is vast on this topic and includes the work he’s been focusing on with a broad view of the interconnectedness within our environment. – Also found on Amazon, in paperback.
There’s so much information available to us now; It’s great to be able to listen or read on the go.. wherever we may be.
2nd Key - Creating a Healthy Lifestyle Program...
Which I mentioned in the previous post
Part of a healthy lifestyle is focusing on the basic fundamentals. Like Air, is Vital for our wellbeing.
Breathing Fresh Air- is your air fresh? With recent fires we are all struggling with this problem. What’s the solution? Put the Fires out! And STOP them from happening ever again…right?
In the meantime, we can protect ourselves and our family’s health by using air cleaners in the home, NOT aerosol sprays!
– Air purifiers; Ideally with Extra strength Heppa Filters.
3rd Key - Water
GREAT FOR ALL of the Body systems!
What type of water do you drink? Please be honest, many people either buy plastic bottled water; drink tap or simply do not consume enough plain old boring water…
Ok, I have an amazing story to share: A friend of mine, who had been dealing with Kidney issues, while on medication, for years. It was time for him to visit his doctor again and to get his medication renewed. Much to his surprise, his current Doctor retired. The new Doctor discussed his current health condition and asked him how much water he drank per day. My friend’s response? Does coffee or beer count?
Doctor replied NO..
He gave the direction to go home and Drink at least half his body weight in oz of water- example, ( 120 lbs that’s 60 oz..) he was quite a bit heavier so, at least 120oz of water was prescribed by the doctor and then advised him to return after 30 days, for a full review!
My friend grunted but followed it, due to it was his Doctors advise.
Ya know what? After 30 days, he returned to discover he no longer needed that Medication!!!
Yep, just from drinking simple clean water!
Good news is, we can protect ourselves and stay healthier by simply drinking more clean water. Hey, do you have a water purifier? Like an air purifier, I can connect you to a variety of reliable companies to choose from. With drinking water, I recommend starting with one extra glass per day, then build up to your ideal amount; based on your weight. Consuming gradually can help the body absorb it better.
You can add in fresh lemon/limes for flavor.
Keep it simple though…Pure clean water only.
Strive for half your body weight in oz. of water-(Example, 120lbs. = 60 oz.) Purified water can make a huge difference in your health and wellbeing.
Space it out throughout the day; set a timer…drink it like its medicine…
You will feel better: mentally, physically and sleep better from simply drinking pure clean water.
4th Key
Strengthen your Immune system through Food and healthy support.
Everyone’s body type is unique, and we all have different needs, tastes, and budgets. Improving our health is not a one size fits all approach.
This is where education comes in.
The basics of nutrition is pretty similar for the majority; its whether you are a Vegan, Vegetarian, Pescatarian or on weight watchers’ program, that gets tricky.
We each can decide and choose the best program for us. My preference is choosing more plant based. There is plenty of scientific reasons behind this.
An excellent book on this topic is:
How Not to Die: Discover the Foods Scientifically Proven to Prevent and Reverse Disease by, Michael Greger, MD – Available on Amazon: in audible, kindle or paperback. Audio is my favorite!
This book is about evidence-based research, it also includes:
Daily videos and blogs!
He also created a non-profit to help individuals seeking science-based truths on nutrition and cooking tips. Check it out:
There’s a plethora of Nutritional books to sort through; Have fun researching an exploring!
Choose a program that makes you happy and that you will stick to for period of time, to achieve your desired results. Switching up from one program to another can produce undesirable results. Which naturally leaves one feeling like, they simply do not make a difference, so why bother.
Want to discuss further and receive FREE recommendations I‘m in contact with several reliable companies that offer great products & service. Let’s talk about your specifications & budget; I will connect you directly, at NO charge to you.
5th Key - Checking in with a Holistic Doctor
Why Holistic?
We are all a collection of systems and the 5 elements affect each of us differently. I believe in science and I base a lot of my diet modifications on blood tests. Many Holistic Doctors observe these 5 elements which assist them with developing a comprehensive and effective treatment plan to eliminate chronic conditions.
It’s a fascinating topic to explore.
Another story: It’s about me; I assumed I was healthy due to no real, current health issues.
A close friend kept harping at me to see a doctor and get a checkup, so I did. It turned out, after a comprehensive blood test by, Boston heart diagnostics; My doctor, Dr. Lindsey Harding, relayed the bad news- I had super high cholesterol and
My vitamin D levels were critically low! Both markers can contribute to extreme health decline. Especially in protecting against the Covid 19 virus. Having High levels of Vitamin D can really protect us. I’ve been following my Doctors prescribed program, since January-2020, which I highly recommend doing. It has taken 6 months to be in the Green (*_*) That is, IF you follow the program… Its not that difficult or expensive to do.
But once you are sick, then it gets really expensive to regain.
So, it is always best to prevent.
To conclude:
Our health is the most important asset we have!
Despite the state of our country, there are basic action steps to take in becoming Healthy & Strong!
Taking personal responsibility is the Key and to Never Give up!
Let’s discuss your personal challenge, I’m here for you…
Blessings to you and your family.
Create a day worth living !
Joyce Wood,chhc
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